
BSc Degrees in Physics in Canada

David J. Gross, string theorist, particle physicist and physics laureate, once said: “Physics is the queen of all sciences because it helps us understand how nature works. This couldn’t be more true as the subject matter covers so many topics and discoveries, whether it’s space, time, particles or the entire universe. These discoveries influenced the development of other fields.

Those interested in the field can choose from a variety of majors, some of which include astrophysics, thermodynamics, quantum mechanics, atomic physics, and electricity. Professionals often find employment in government, industry, academia and scientific enterprises. Some possible career options for those majoring in physics include medical physicist, astronomer, astrophysicist, geophysicist, environmental auditor, particle physicist , geologist, air traffic controller, risk manager, satellite software developer, and cancer researcher.

Degree Options in Physics

While there are a number of degree options with Physics offered by Canadian universities, here are a few to give you an idea.


This program is designed for students wanting to learn Physics as part of a general education, or combine physics with other disciplines.

Usually, students in this program are allowed to pick from a range of options such as a career in medical physics, education, high technology, business, or science journalism.

Students, who decide to take this program, will have a good base for future professional degree in fields such as Architecture, Commerce, Education, Law and Medicine. The large number of electives allow you to obtain significant background in another field such as Computer Science, Applied Mathematics, Physical Geography, Oceanography, Geophysics or Geology

Physics and Astronomy

This program is a good option for students intending to pursue post-graduate studies in Astronomy or Astrophysics. For those who wish to graduate school in any area of Physics, this can be done by selecting relevant electives.

An advanced degree (Ph.D.) is now generally a requirement for a scientist position at most observatories and academic institutions and as a result, this program’s admission requirements are usually a bit strict.

Physics and Computer Science

This program combines both computational physics and informatics. Students will develop a strong interdisciplinary background that covers relevant topics in both fields. A few of the many interesting subjects that can learned in this program include experimental physics and computational physics.


The aim of this program is to give students a solid foundation in a branch of biological sciences while possessing a strong grasp of the basic concepts and quantitative skills of physics. Students who take up this program can go on to procure a master’s degree in either biological sciences or physics.

While this program provides students with future career options in either biology or physics, it also opens up opportunities in fields that combine both subjects. Pharmaceutical companies and hospitals hire these specialists.

Physics and Mathematics

Modern theoretical physics, is an exciting field which includes such topics as cosmology, string theory and superconductivity. Theoretical physics requires a high level of mathematical understanding, especially in areas such as linear algebra, complex analysis, differential equations, differential geometry and group theory.

Those who opt for this program usually go on to study further in one of these areas, but many also gain great employment opportunities in diverse high-tech industries that require a high degree of analytical skills in addition to knowledge in mathematical finance and scientific computing.

Structural Biology

Structural biology is the study of how biological molecules are built. Using a variety of imaging techniques, scientists view molecules in three dimensions to see how they are assembled, how they function, and how they interact. That has helped researchers understand how the thousands of different molecules in each of our cells work together to keep us healthy. Structural studies have also shown how misshapen molecules make us sick, and as a result, these studies have prompted new treatments for many diseases.

Chemical Physics

There is a rich boundary region between Chemistry and Physics, particularly in areas such as materials science, condensed matter physics, nuclear chemistry and surfaces science. As a result, this is a challenging program which will provide students with a strong foundation for an advanced degree in either area with interests that lie in within the intersection of these subjects.

Physics and Education

This combination is ideal for students who love physics and enjoy teaching. Students will learn all those interesting concepts in physics and will be taught the best ways to pass on the knowledge that they acquire.

On completion of this program, in addition to being able to become a physics teacher, they can also branch out into either a purely bs physics program or pursue education in another area.

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