USA Investor Visa

USA EB -5 Program is an employment-based program for those who wish to attain the US Green Card and establish a business enterprise in the US. The preferred category-the EB-5 visa -is for foreign entrepreneurs who invest at least $1,000,000 USD (or $500,000 under certain circumstances) in a new commercial enterprise which will create at least 10 new jobs for US workers within the first two years. Under the 1990 Immigration Act, Congress has set aside up to 10,000 visas per year for alien investors in new commercial enterprises who create employment for ten individuals.?

The total time from application for the approval can take as little as six months.

Groups Of Investors Under The Program :

  1. Those who invest at least $500,000 in “targeted employment areas” (rural areas or areas experiencing unemployment of at least 150% of the national average rate)
  2. Those who invest $1,000,000 anywhere else. No fewer than 3,000 of the annual allotment of visas must go to targeted employment areas.

Permanent residents who have continuously lived in the USA for at least five years (or three years if a spouse of a US citizen) may obtain US citizenship through a process called naturalization. Naturalization applicants must also demonstrate a basic understanding of English and US government and history (under most circumstances). The USA recognizes dual citizenship and the act of naturalizing will not revoke prior citizenship unless expressly prohibited by the laws of the prior country.

Applying to permanently live and work in the US can be quite daunting for the uninitiated. In some cases it requires up to three different applications with three different government agencies stretched out over several years. However, the experts at Esse India can help you successfully negotiate this intricate and often byzantine process to get your working visa USA. Mail your resume and if applicable, spousal resume to for a free of charge assessment. Or simply fill-up on-line enquiry form to submit your profile with Esse India

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